Англійська абетка в картках

  • Видавництво: Publishing House «School»
  • Автор: Федієнко Василь
  • Мова видання: Англійська мова
  • Рік видання: 2018
  • Обкладинка: тверда
  • Кількість сторінок: 36

Про видавництво «Publishing House «School»»

The private enterprise Publishing House «School» was founded in 2002. Unchanging directors of the publishing house during all time of its existence are Andriy and Vasily Fedyenko. Main directions of development: book publishing activity and wholesale trade of books of own production. The name «School» eloquently reflects the direction of work and the subjects of the books that are published here: it is literature for development, study, knowledge of the new and still unknown.