Journey of Tsilka

  • Видавництво: #Knigolove
  • Мова видання: Українська мова
  • Рік видання: 2020
  • Обкладинка: тверда


A novel about Cecilia Klein, a girl who was sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp at the age of sixteen. In inhuman conditions, her beauty and character became her salvation and at the same time doomed her to new trials. After the liberation from Auschwitz, the girl was sent to Siberia for so-called collaboration with the enemy. The target will have to overcome a difficult path, each time finding the strength that she never guessed.

Про видавництво «#Knigolove»

#кnigolove is a Ukrainian publishing house that works with the best contemporary literature and creates new opportunities for readers and authors.