Tales of Enchanted Forest

  • Видавництво: Tales of the Enchanted Forest
  • Автор: Валентина Ануфрієва
  • Мова видання: Українська мова
  • Іллюстратор: Анна Пеняк
  • Рік видання: 2019
  • Обкладинка: тверда
  • Кількість сторінок: 76


Do you like tea with candies? The dwarf Long Beard likes a lot! He invites all the friends for tea in the Enchanted Forest. The dwarf will treat you with the freshly baked apple pie and tell you all about the adventures he had. You’ll hear about his grandmother’s Secret, dangerous events, desperate tries to save friends and even about the sharks in the Forest…

Про видавництво «Tales of the Enchanted Forest»

Publishing project "Tales of Enchanted Forest" is the project of Ukrainian author Valentyna Anufriyeva who actively promotes children reading for pleasure via the "Reader's journal" and interactive illustrations as well as via developing and conducting quests for children based on her books. "Your poetic postcard" is a project that promotes the work of modern Ukrainian authors and illustrators. In the format of postcards, we publish the works of participants, then present it at book events.