Maksym Yakovlyev

Scientist, translator, teacher, candidate of political sciences, associate professor, head of the Department of International Relations of the National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" and director of the School of Political Analytics of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, teaches methods of social science research at the Department of Political Science, Department of Sociology, School of Health Care, School of social work (2010-2017), School of Public Administration, Doctoral School named after the Yukhymenky family, for doctoral students of the Mohyla School of Journalism. M. Yakovlev was also the Ukrainian coordinator of the "German and European Studies" project with the Institute of Political Sciences at the University named after M. Yakovlev for almost 11 years. F. Schiller in Jena and NaUKMA. He comments on current social and political events in Ukraine and the world, actively teaches outside the academic environment, in particular, M. Yakovlev is a lecturer at the Ukrainian Academy of Leadership. His scientific interests include the methods and methodology of knowledge and research of reality, as well as social and political transformations in the post-Soviet space. In 2023, his book "Conspiracy theories: how (not) to become a conspiracy theorist" was published by the Vikhola publishing house (publishing house).
