Discussion "In Search of a Ukrainian Hero"

The Revolution of Dignity, the war in the East, and the rethinking of historical events make us talk about who he is - a Ukrainian Hero? There are still debates in society: does everyone who went to the front automatically become a hero, or should there be a "feat" in the hero's biography? Whether the "criteria of heroism" can exist at all? Retouching of biographies, "black" and "white" in the biographies of the Heroes and that we are (not)ready to forgive them. The image of a Ukrainian soldier: between pathos and discrimination. Pantheon of Ukrainian heroes of past centuries: why are the same figures of the past for some - heroes, for others - criminals and traitors (such as Petro Bolbochan, Pavlo Skoropadsky, Simon Petliura) and where is the truth in historical controversy? The highest state award "Hero of Ukraine" - why the Order of the State and the Golden Star has not yet deprived traitors?