Presentation of the book "Women at War"

Partner : Espreso TV,
Locations : America House Lviv ,

The book "Women at War" is a joint project of the Espresso TV channel and the "Dukh I Litera" publishing house. The book is based on the reports of the journalist and presenter of the Espresso TV channel Khrystyna Parubiy, dedicated to women who fighting the enemy in the army

The book "Women at War" collects 20 stories of women.

At the Lviv Book Forum Khrystyna Parubiy will talk about the creation of a book of reports and its heroines. At the time of the book's publication, three of them died on the front lines.

The book "Women at War" was published by the publishing house "Dukh i Litera" with the support of the Zhevago Charitable Foundation.