"Secrets of Zavokzall: presentation of the book" Children of the fiery time "with Kateryna Pekur and Mia Marchenko"
Lviv Regional Library for Children. Great Hall
Children event
“The Future of Ukrainian Literature: A View from the Inside”
Participants :
Artem Adamenko,
Lesya Yatsuta,
Nataliia Vasylieva,
"To the truth-beads": presentation of Taras Solovka's poetry book
Participants :
Vasyl Karpiuk,
Taras Solovka,
Discussion about the “Encounter: The Ukrainian-Jewish Literary Prize” ™
Participants :
Zaven Babloyan,
Kateryna Shevchenko,
Nataliia Fedushchak,
Olexander Scherba,
Музей етнографії та художнього промислу Інституту народознавства НАН України
Literature, mythology and war. A meeting with a veteran and fantasy writer, author of the book "Legend of the Free"
Participant :
Andrii Kaspshishak,
Lviv Regional Library for Youth named after R. Ivanychuk. Great Hall
"Dolphy's Wolverine": reading and workshop for children based on Paul van Loon's book
Lviv Regional Library for Children. Great Hall
Children event
Contemporary prose of Vasyl Tybel and Oleksandr Gavrosh. Presentation of the novelties "Family-type house" and "Recruited love. Wild Galya"
Participants :
Vasyl Tybel,
Sashko Havrosh,
Diana Semak,
The Myth of Central Europe: A Story of Resistance and Solidarity
Participants :
Katerina Botanova,
Krzysztof Czyzewski,
Tomica Bajsić,
Halyna Kruk,
“The book market and little-known authors: How to compete with big players?”
Participants :
Artem Adamenko,
Nataliia Vasylieva,
Serhii Brizing,
Social thriller - a new genre of modern Ukrainian literature. Reprint of the book "All their demons" by Polina Kulakova
Participant :
Polina Kulakova,
Meeting with Dara Korney, discussion of new products in 2024
Participant :
Dara Kornii,
Lviv Regional Library for Children. Great Hall
Children event
Presentation of the book of poems "Steel Wings"
Participant :
Oksana Vesna,
Історія Азову. Від батальйону до полку
Participant :
Vladyslav Belashov,
Lviv Regional Library for Youth named after R. Ivanychuk. Great Hall
Interactive game based on the book by Aneta Meletse "Kiosk"
Participant :
Yevgenia Zavaliy,
Lviv Regional Library for Children. Great Hall
Children event
Genocides in the history of humanity and Ukraine: Memory, Memorialization, and Modern Challenges
Participants :
Liudmyla Grynevich,
Vladyslav Hrynevych,
Ihor Schupak,
Yegor Vradiy,
Andrii Pavlyshyn,
Глибина різкості: публічна розмова з Іриною Цілик
Participants :
Iryna Tsilyk,
Yaryna Chornohuz,
Музей етнографії та художнього промислу Інституту народознавства НАН України
Public talk
Presentation of Olena Cherninka's book "Hot Summer of Normandy, Cold Winter of Ukraine"
Participants :
Mariana Savka,
Olena Cherninka,
What are the challenges facing young Ukrainian literature?
Participants :
Artem Skoryna,
Polina Kulakova,
Dmytro Bezverhniy,
Alona Riazantseva,
Mila Smoliarova,
Presentation of the book "Women at War"
Маріупольська оборонна операція
Participant :
Vladyslav Belashov,
Lviv Regional Library for Youth named after R. Ivanychuk. Great Hall
“Our Authors, Our Heroes: Faces of Modern Ukrainian Fantasy”
Participants :
Artem Adamenko,
Lesya Yatsuta,
Yevhen Konovalets: investigation the death of the legendary OUN`s leader
Participants :
Ivan Khoma,
Oleksandr Kucheruk,
Lviv Regional Library for Youth named after R. Ivanychuk. Great Hall
Presentation of the book "Rysochka" by Oksana Shavarska
History of Crimea. A short story of a long journey
"The Secret Life of Maria Primachenko's Wonder Beasts": a presentation of Maryna Makushchenko's book and a game for children
Lviv Regional Library for Children. Great Hall
Children event
What will they not tell you in history lessons? Surprising facts. A conversation by the authors of the book "501 facts you need to know from the history of... Ukraine" Anna and Andrii Shymansky
Participants :
Anna Shymans'ka,
Її тіло - їхнє поле бою: розмова з журналісткою Крістіною Лемб
Participants :
Christina Lamb,
Tetiana Troshchynska,
Liliia Omelianenko,
Музей етнографії та художнього промислу Інституту народознавства НАН України
Public talk with Oleksandr Mykhed
Participants :
Emma Graham Harrison,
Olexander Mykhed,
Symbols and metaphors as a “trap” for the reader: what motivates us to re-read stories?
Participants :
Kyrylo Polovinko,
Yuliia Priadko,
"Tales of the Jazz Age": A Conversation about Fitzgerald's Early Prose, Literature, and Jazz
Participants :
Sofiia Filonenko,
Oksana Levytska,
Bohdana Truschak,
Choice and gray morality. A meeting with Lyuko Dashvar
Participants :
Lyuko Dashvar,
Музей етнографії та художнього промислу Інституту народознавства НАН України
Discussion "A historical novel based on real events: the struggle of the UIA
Participants :
Yuliana Nesterovych,
Olena Buda,
Natalia Melnyk,
Lviv Regional Library for Youth named after R. Ivanychuk. Great Hall
Book Presentation: "The Butchers at the Korchi" by Iryna Vovk
Participant :
Iryna Vovk,
Парк культури та відпочинку імені Богдана Хмельницького
Book Presentation on Prominent Ukrainians: Stepan Bandera. Speaker: Roman Roman Ofitsynskyy
Participant :
Roman Ofitsynskyy,
Lyuko Dashvar's autograph session
Participant :
Lyuko Dashvar,
Музей етнографії та художнього промислу Інституту народознавства НАН України. Хол
Speaking Outward: Book Presentation of Conversations Between Ukrainian and International Intellectuals "Dialogues About War"
Participants :
Christina Lamb,
Iryna Tsilyk,
Kateryna Mikhalitsyna,
Olga Mukha,
Музей етнографії та художнього промислу Інституту народознавства НАН України
To speak, to be silent, to speak up again. In memoriam of our beloved ones
Participants :
Tetiana Troshchynska,
Dmytro Koval,
How to invest in the invisible. A conversation about what everyone knows with sociologist Oksana Lemishka
Participants :
Tetiana Kostina,
Oksana Lemishka,
Презентація роману Сергія Пономаренко "Упир"
Autograph session by the author of the noir novel “Limb. The Place of Lost Souls by Kyrylo Polovinko
Participant :
Kyrylo Polovinko,
Музей етнографії та художнього промислу Інституту народознавства НАН України. Хол
Presentation of the novel “Вдома чекає Марко»
Participants :
Rymma Ziubina,
Halyna Lytsur-Schadei,
Музей етнографії та художнього промислу Інституту народознавства НАН України
To prepare a grab-and-go bag: A Tale of Empires Falling
Participants :
Vakhtang Kebuladze,
Natalia Krivda,
Oleksandr Komarov,
Oliver Bullough,
James Robinson,
Let go of the past: what is the anti-colonial struggle
Participants :
Oksana Zabuzhko,
Vakhtang Kebuladze,
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak,
Lola Shoneyin,
Djamila Ribeiro,
Simone Atangana Bekono,